For my latest project, I chose Next.js for its robust features. I connected to the PostgreSQL database using Prisma as my ORM. Handling payments was a breeze with Stripe, and for storing product images, I went with Cloudinary. Quick user authentication? No problem, thanks to Kinde.
I'm hosting the project on Vercel for its lightning-fast performance. For a touch of flair, I added animations with Framer Motion, managed the app state using Zustand, and styled everything to perfection with Tailwind CSS and Shadcn-UI. Plus, I personalized the post-purchase emails with React Email.
Petalsoft is my third project 🌱. This is where I challenge myself to build modern applications that will actually be useful to others 👥. I wanted to see if I could create a custom e-commerce store from scratch 💻 that processes payment 💳, has its own chatbot for customer support 🤖, and a real dashboard for the admin to manage the store like updating inventories 📦, changing shipping status on an order 🚚, checking sales 💹, and more.